Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Macro Economics stuff.. Growth, Oil, money, exchange rate, GDP, deficit, Infrastructure... Well a big complex science, bottom line

money changing hands, resulting in growth at one place and depression at other... Why 1 dollar is equal to 43 INR, not the other way round, How many total dollars and total INR around the world, all in paper form or part in virtual form, how and who controls the production/influx of dollar and INR in to the world system, when you transfer 1000$ dollars from USA to India, does this transfer happens in real physical form or it is just a data transfer, stored on a hard disk, subject to crash. I paid 100$ to a lawn keeper for his services, and after few days he paid the same 100$ to bestbuy for a camera, and after a few days, bestbuy pays me the same 100$ for my supply chain consulting services, money has changed hands and resulted in to growth.........seems interesting... I thought that one is rich if he has the abilty to generate more value (not paper money in a printing press..:)..} than what he consumes, but it seems its the other way round... with huge deficits.... :)

comments welcome as always

Transcript of the World Economic Outlook Press Conference, April 13, 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool writeup...

9:01 AM  

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